306786940 flashcards : interrogatives | stellaELM

flashcards : interrogatives


set of flashcards : interrogatives.pdf
set of flashcards : interrogatives w/o words.pdf

words : how / what / who / when / where / whose / which

interrogatives howinterrogatives whatinterrogatives whointerrogatives wheninterrogatives whereinterrogatives whoseinterrogatives which

If you think up any words to be added to this theme, please let me know.

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  1. Mike says:

    Really like these!

    Something else that could be very useful would be some common ‘how’ questions, like ‘how much/many,’ ‘how old,’ ‘how far,’ etc.

    • kanako says:

      Hi, Mike!
      I’m so glad you like them! Thank you for giving me ideas. I’ll add other wh-question words or phrases as soon as I find out how to draw. Thanks again 🙂

  2. Vanessa says:

    Hi! I love these flash cards. I think the interrogative “Why” should be added as well.

    • kanako says:

      Thank you for leaving the message! To draw “why” is a little challenging…but I’ll try. Thank you.

      • Nev says:

        Hi Kanako. I am a volunteer ESL teacher and really like your flashcards. I agree that “why” would be a good addition to this set. Because it would be very unusual, perhaps the top half of a man wearing a large silly hat and carrying a dog who’s also wearing a large silly hat would be a good picture to illustrate “why”.

        • kanako says:

          Hello Nev,
          Thank you for the suggesting. Well, I’ll try to find out how to draw “why.” I appreciate your cooperation! Thank you so much.

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