306786940 flashcards : hobbies | stellaELM

flashcards : hobbies


set of flashcards : hobbies.pdf

words : do puzzles / go jogging / listen to music / paint pictures / play video games / read books / (go to) see movies / surf the net / take a nap / watch tv

do puzzlesgo jogginglisten to musicpaint picturesplay video gamesread booksgo to see moviessurf the nettake a napwatch TV

If you think up any words to be added to this theme, please let me know.

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  1. Perrine says:

    It’s so cute ! Thanks a lot 🙂 and “fighting” !

    • kanako says:

      Thank you so much! Oh, you want the word “fighting” for a new hobby word?

      • Perrine says:

        You’re welcome. I like draw my own pictures too but sometimes unfortunately I don’t have any time…
        With “fighting” I wanna mean that I wish you to keep it up. But if you wanna draw “fighting”… I’m enjoy to see your work.
        Sorry for my English I don’t teach this language ^^

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