306786940 flashcards : verbs | stellaELM

flashcards : verbs

verbs 01

clap / cry / dance / drink / eat / fly / hop / jump / run / sing / skip / sleep / swim / walk

verbs 02

close / cook / draw / fall / laugh / listen / open / pull / push / read / study / talk / wait / write

verbs 03

climb / dislike / like / love / think / buy / kiss / drive / sit down / stand up

verbs 01

set of flashcards : verbs01 pt1.pdf

words : clap / cry / dance / drink / eat / fly / hop

set of flashcards : verbs01 pt2.pdf

words : jump / run / sing / skip / sleep / swim / walk

verb clapverb cryverb danceverb drinkverb eatverb flyverb hopverb jumpverb runverb singverb skipverb sleepverb swimverb walk

black and white pictures @ gumroad
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verbs 02

set of flashcards : verbs02.pdf

words : close / cook / draw / fall / laugh / listen / open / pull / push / read / study / talk / wait / write

verb closeverb cookverb drawverb fallverb laughverb listenverb openverb pullverb pushverb readverb studyverb talkverb waitverb write
black and white pictures @ gumroad
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verbs 03

set of flashcards : verbs03.pdf

words : climb / dislike / like / love / think / buy / kiss / drive / sit down / stand up /

verb climbverb dislikeverb likeverb haveverb loveverb thinkverb buyverb kissverb driveverb sit downverb stand up
black and white pictures @ gumroad
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If you think up any words to be added to this theme, please let me know.

These are PDF-files.
I use 2 fonts : "Print Clearly" and "Print Dashed" . Please visit  Blue Vinyl Fonts  to download them if you need.

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  1. Sara Heydari says:

    Hello.I’my from Iran. Thank you for your website specially flashcards. I’m speech and language pathologist and this pictures are very useful for my work.
    Thank you so much.

    • kanako says:

      Thank you for visiting my site and leaving the message! I’m really honored to be of use to you. Please feel free to contact me again if you have any questions or requests.

  2. Nubia says:

    Thank you so much for the flashcards, they are beautiful, precise, and a huge time saver, as well as wonderful for the students since they can be seen from the back of the classroom! 😀

    • kanako says:

      I’m soooo happy you like my flashcards! I hope your students like them, too. If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything, please contact me anytime! Thank you so much!

  3. ActionJackson says:

    Hey Kanako,
    I live and teach in Niigata and these cards are absolutely perfect, the animation is something the kids can relate to and they’re not goofy flash cards like other free stuff you can get online. Much appreciated!

    • kanako says:

      Hello ActionJackson!
      I’ve tried to make pretty flashcards, so I’m really glad to hear that! Thank you for visiting my site and leaving the message!

  4. nefilia says:

    As you have got visitors form all over the world here I would like to add another location to your ‘collection’ 🙂 – I’m from Poland (Europe) and I absolutely love your webside. The pictures are lovely and I’m delighted when I can find the things that I need. Recently I used the verbs – there are almost all that I need for my lesson. If I could have a request it would be great to have also ‘ride a bike’ and ‘ride a horse’ 🙂
    Best regards

    • kanako says:

      Hello Nefilia!
      My flashcards are used in Poland! That’s really amazing! I’m glad that you use them.
      And thank you for telling me you idea. I’ll draw those pictures you requested and put them on a new page (verbs & objects). So please visit my site again to check 🙂 Thank you!
      Best wishes,

    • kanako says:

      Hello, Nefilia!
      I made a new page : verbs and objects. I put 2 flashcards you had requested on that page. Please take a look!

  5. nefilia says:

    Thank you, thank you 🙂
    They are beautiful! I will use them today with my students 🙂

  6. Carolina Loaiza says:

    Thanks a lot! Your material is great and useful. Congratulations!!

  7. Yumstar says:

    Thank you very much for your flashcards. These are definately great help for us.

    Could you consider making “Turn around” as a verb flashcard?

    Thank you!

  8. maizan says:

    Thank you very much for your gorgeous flashcards. May God Bless you.

  9. Sarah says:

    Hi, thank you for the flashcards! they are amazing, could you maybe add a flashcard for play or games maybe in the hobbies / verbs

  10. Lia says:

    Really thankful! Your work and kindness is great! I’m Italian. Have a happy life!

  11. epel says:


    Thank you for all your flashcards. They are amazing and help a lot. May I request for more verbs which I think will be very helpful especially with little kids.

    hug taste smell crawl hug kick punch wave

    Thank you very much.

  12. Jess says:

    Hi Stella!

    I think you are probably very busy, and I feel bad to request more cards of you, but if you have a chance, could you add “blow” to a set as well? As in, “blow out candles” and “blow your nose”. Thank you! I love your simple and timeless designs! These cards go over well with kids of all ages, so thank you for making them!

  13. Sabrina says:

    Heyyyy, beautiful flashcards! I love the drawings and how the cards are separate rather than on one PDF, really good stuff 🙂
    Using these for a job interview demo lesson, wish me luck 😀

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